Are you digging a hole or broadening your child’s experiences?

Steps 1 through 4:  Know what’s possible?
Identify Themes


The 21st Century brings with it rapid and unpredictable change. We have yet to imagine the possibilities to come. We can best prepare our children for this future by helping them be all that they are, well immersed in their own creativity, gifts and passions.

In Expose Passion, EMAP 5 Steps 1-4, we explore how to find themes of possible passion woven amongst your child’s active interests and activities.  Beginning with Step 1, Know What’s Possible, and moving through Steps 2 and 3, we show you how to broaden and develop a thematic list of activities that will deepen passion.  This exercise will culminate in Step 4 with a list of possible activities grouped by your child’s most impassioned themes. As you take these steps, you will discover how to take your child’s activities and help ignite interest into passion.

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