Aelita Andre is an abstract expressionist painter and creates through a spatial intelligence. Born in 2007, it is said of her, “Every stroke, smear and splash is the indelible signature of innocence – the subconscious mind ‘writing’ its own existence – in the moment – onto a canvas using paint and found objects.”

You can observe that Aelita creates in a way that uniquely makes sense to Aelita. It is internally-driven and passionately focused. She demonstrates a sense of rhythm and composition that seems to spring from deep inside; her drive to create in this manner is not an accident. It connects her to her bigger Self, and speaks both to and from that Self in a way that cannot be quantified, qualified or taught.

As you watch Aelita, you will see a deliberateness in intent, in the way she approaches the canvas, colors and textures she uses. She is both highly involved in the details, yet allows the process to flow through her in complete trust and abandonment. Then she sits back, observes her creation, and having received whatever information she needed, dives back in again immersed in the details. Aelita exhibits no fear of failure or judgment, either internally or externally imposed, as she allows the creative process to sweep through her from a source I am sure she cannot define. She implicitly trusts that source and appears to be at peace when she creates. Observe closely:

Aelita has performed live and exhibited at galleries around the world. Her extensive exhibition in New York was sold out in seven days.

Aelita did her first painting at 9 months when she crawled on top of a canvas lying on the floor, seized the tubes of paint and started creating with great joy and exuberance. Her father immediately noted the joy with which she was creating, his daughter’s absorption and focused intent and the great beauty of his daughter’s work.   You can see more of her creations and read her amazing full story on her website at


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