EMAP #7: ASSESS PASSION Are you focused and/or overwhelmed? Step 2: Something getting in the way? Assess What Impedes Your Child’s Passion To help our children sustain passion we need to prioritize time for passion. To prioritize passion we need to watch out for four main impediments to sustaining passion. Join us in (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 6 – Step 1
EMAP #6: MONITOR PASSION Are you reading your child as well as your child is reading you? Step 1: Detecting Passion? Monitor Behavior for Passionate Absorption Passionate absorption is the experience that connects our children to a greater Self. To create an environment that nurtures passionate absorption requires monitoring your perceptions, along with (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 6 – Overview
EMAP #6: MONITOR PASSION Are you reading your child as well as your child is reading you? Overview: Passion takes monitoring and really getting to know your child in ways perhaps you have never seen before. There are four important strategies for helping your child. They involve monitoring your child during their (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 5 – Step 7 and Summary Activity
EMAP #5: EXPOSE PASSION Are you digging a hole or broadening your child’s experiences? Steps 7 and Summary Activity: Need more strategies? Identify How to Fuel Your child’s Activities and Passions We have endlessly confused goals with strategies. A goal is what we aim for; a strategy is what we do to get (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 5 – Steps 5 and 6
EMAP #5: EXPOSE PASSION Are you digging a hole or broadening your child’s experiences? Steps 5 and 6: Found my direction, now what? Broaden Activities Within a Theme and Prioritize! Even the most exciting activity and passion can become boring if exposed to constant repetition without an infusion of new life. In Expose (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 5 – Steps 1 through 4
EMAP #5: EXPOSE PASSION Are you digging a hole or broadening your child’s experiences? Steps 1 through 4: Know what’s possible? Identify Themes The 21st Century brings with it rapid and unpredictable change. We have yet to imagine the possibilities to come. We can best prepare our children for this future by helping (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 3 – Option 4 and Summary Activity
EMAP #3: ASSESS INTEREST Is what you’ve learned, something you can use? Options! Option 4: Slow it down! Redirect Misdirected Interests A Misdirected Interest looks like an active interest, but is addictive and not to your child’s best interest; it must be redirected to a positive active interest. In Assess Interest, EMAP 3 (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 3 – Option 3
EMAP #3: ASSESS INTEREST Is what you’ve learned, something you can use? Options! Option 3: Shifting your direction! Eliminate False Interests Paradigms are changeable. When we examine and change the parts of our paradigm that no longer serve us, new possibilities emerge. Previously hidden paths present themselves along with an opportunity to shift (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 3 – Option 2
EMAP #3: ASSESS INTEREST Is what you’ve learned, something you can use? Options! Option 2: It’s not busy work! Move Passive Interests Forward To develop passive interests address: value, create supportive environment, and provide variety. It is important to develop our children’s passive interests so our children can be all that they are. (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 3 – Option 1
EMAP #3: ASSESS INTEREST Is what you’ve learned, something you can use? Options! Option 1: So you think you’re busy now? Develop Active Interests An active interest will lead your child to their passion. In Assess Interest, EMAP 3 Option 1, we show you how to create a list of action items to (more…)