EMAP #2: MONITOR INTEREST Is what you think you’re seeing…really happening? Step 6 and Summary Activity: They’re doing WHAT? Identify Your Child’s Misdirected Interests Not all interests affect your child in a positive manner; learn why. A misdirected interest looks like passion, but is addictive and needs to be redirected to a positive active (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 2 – Step 5
EMAP #2: MONITOR INTEREST Is what you think you’re seeing…really happening? Step 5: How do I get them OUT of THIS? Identify Your Child’s False Interests What are the activities your child claims to love but might actually be a false interest? A false interest is not benign or harmless. It is important to (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 2 – Step 4
EMAP #2: MONITOR INTEREST Is what you think you’re seeing…really happening? Step 4: What are they not doing? Identify Your Child’s Passive Interests Passive interests are the seeds of an active interest. Even if you find active interests, passive must also be developed. The complete composite of a child’s active and passive interests will lead (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 2 – Step 3
EMAP #2: MONITOR INTEREST Is what you think you’re seeing…really happening? Step 3: What are they doing now? Identify Your Child’s Active Interests Active interests are important because they are the only interest that connects children to their passions and brilliance. In Monitor Interest, EMAP 2 Step 3, we zoom in on the types (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 2 – Step 2
EMAP #2: MONITOR INTEREST Is what you think you’re seeing…really happening? Step 2: Who’s watching the kids? Monitor Your Child’s Behavior During Activities How do we know if what we see is so? In Monitor Interests, EMAP 2 Step 2, you will learn how to identify and monitor your child’s behaviors to discern (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 2 – Step 1
EMAP #2: MONITOR INTEREST Is what you think you’re seeing…really happening? Step 1: Reading the signs? Understanding the Definitions Not all interests lead to the kind of passion that helps our children find and develop their personal form of brilliance. There are actually four different types of interests, regardless of the subject content. (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 1 – Step 8 and Summary Activity
EMAP #1: EXPOSE INTEREST Is your child’s activity doing what it’s supposed to? Step 8 and Summary Activity: Can’t go everywhere at once? Choose Which activities Are Worth Pursuing and How A great idea can hit us when we least expect it! Then we actually have to make it happen. In Expose Interest, EMAP (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 1 – Step 7
EMAP #1: EXPOSE INTEREST Is your child’s activity doing what it’s supposed to? Step 7: Feel like it’s all under control? Factor in Your Variables Too often we look at the outcome of an action or activity and not at the variables that actually influence that outcome. Looking for and factoring potential variables (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 1 – Step 6
EMAP #1: EXPOSE INTEREST Is your child’s activity doing what it’s supposed to? Step 6: Looking for a destination; is my child going to like this? Brainstorm Specific Resources We are often more limited by our imaginations than our reality. If you can imagine it, you can find a way to make it happen! (more…)
Essential Guide Support – EMAP 10 – Steps 3, 4 and Summary Activity
EMAP #10: MONITOR BRILLIANCE Does it look like what you expected? Steps 3, 4 and Summary Activity: What about now?… Relationship with a Mentor or Professional Being open to the unlimited ways brilliance presents itself will help our children connect to their true identities and give their lives meaning and purpose. Join us (more…)