Coached into passion? Think not. Technique can be coached, but passion cannot be feigned—neither can the joy and exuberance passion brings. Watch these kids closely. They are absorbed in what they are doing. They are not just moving through the steps, they are connected to each other and the energy moving through their bodies. They (more…)
Learn to Trust Your Gut
Sometimes we know more about our children than we can put into words. Learn to trust your gut. This is how: First know yourself well enough to separate your intuition from your own ego, fears and projections. Then learn to identify the whole-body feeling of epiphany your intuition brings. If find yourself arguing with (more…)
Who should be in charge of your child’s future?
Answer: Not a corporation, not a school…only you and your child. It doesn’t matter what anyone else sees, a brilliant future is YOUR child’s innate brilliance…not some corporate or educational agenda.
XTreme Kids Are Awesome 2
Evan Doherty Age 8, Hayden Waesch Age 9, Issei Sakurai Age 5, Killian Guerin Age 11, Hugo Metzgen Age 8, Quincy Symonds Age 6, Kali Connery Age 16, Henry Sildaru Age 8,Tao Compagnon Age 6, Kelly Sildaru Age 12, have all followed their passions. Creating through their own bodies, these kinesthetic-intelligent youngsters bring us a (more…)
Connecting to the You Within
Michelangelo was said to have created his sculpture of David, by chipping away at everything that wasn’t David. Other brilliant artists have described their work as having stepped forward, as if already intact, from the materials with which they were working. So it is with us. All that we are is already within. This is (more…)
What does it mean to be a good parent?
Answer: It means moving the pieces around until things work, even if YOU have to learn a new skill set!
Creating a shift in perspective
Tired of the same old aggravating habits?
You CAN change! Just do it! The first step toward connecting to the bigger, greater you, is to identify the old thought patterns and habits that no longer serve your highest good. The second step is to replace them with a more magnificent vision of who you really are and what you can most definitely (more…)
Not Just a Funny Guy…a Gift!
Look for your child’s strengths and if you persist, you will find them. Jack Carroll, born in 1998, 11 weeks premature, was a cerebral palsy child. Jack’s disability, however, did not stop him. All children are born with a gift, and Jack, with the help of his parents, went looking for and found his. Jack (more…)
Happiness is…
Happiness is connection to Self—a Self that knows its own inner joys, gifts, and passions—a Self that is content because it has discovered meaning and purpose through the gifts it brings. Ah! To connect or not to connect? That is the question…you (more…)